Ever been out in public and see a slouch with 6x clothes too big? Have you ever thought to yourself, id sure like to do some business, learn from, or get ANYTHING out of them? Happens to me all the time as well. I see people with the slouchiest of clothes on not caring how they carry themselves in public and think, “id like to be just like them.” Said NO ONE EVER! On another note, Ever see someone come in dressed as if they own the place? If you have any sort of brain thats the person you want to immulate. You wonder what their lifestyle is like unlike slouchy V. i’m sure. If I’m wrong and you’re that much of a hater stop here.


Everyday you wake you should dress as if you have things to do. You dress as if you have things to do, you find things to do. You dress as if you are important, you carry yourself importantly. See where i’m gong here? You see yourself as important people take you as if you’re important. You want to get places right? I sure do. Your appearance will say the first thing about you anyplace, anytime. If you dont care about your appearance to hell with it…but is you wanna be a boss with a boss attitude and i’m assuming you do because you’re here, you’d own everyday looking the best! Im not Saying you’re better than anyone because you’re coming with “that shit on” and they aren’t, but you do need to come with it on if you want to be taken seriously.
